Visit to the Tyrolean Cancer Research Institute
We were very pleased to welcome a small group of students from the Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium in Telfs (BORG Telfs) to our institute. Teacher Lisa Gruber, Mag., organized the excursion for the group and established contact through Florian Klotz of the Krebshilfe Tirol with the TKFI to arrange a date. Then, on March 20th, 2023, we were able to provide the pupils with an insight into the basics of cancer development and progression and they had the opportunity to ask questions to Dr. Eduard Stefan. Afterward, they could inspect the institute, and as a conclusion, lab manager Thomas Nuener showed them cultivated cancer cell lines under a microscope.
We would like to take this opportunity to once again open the possibility of a tour of the institute to all interested parties. You can contact Eduard, Thomas, or the office at any time by phone, email, or through the contact form on our website under the “Contact” tab.